Page: 27 (1-10)
1. And
2. Or
3. But
4. And
5. So
6. Yet
7. For
8. But
9. So
10. Or
2. Or
3. But
4. And
5. So
6. Yet
7. For
8. But
9. So
10. Or
Page: 87 - 88 (1-10)
1. I Don't Know How Old She Is.
2. What He Was Talking About Was Interesting?
3. Please Tell Me Where You Live.
4. What She Said Wasn't True.
5. Do You Know When They Are Coming?
6. Let's Ask Him Which One He Wants.
7. Do You Know Whose Pen This Is?
8. Where She Went Is None Of Your Business.
9. Why They Left The Country Is A Secret.
10. I Don't Know Who Those People Are.
Page: 89 (1-8)
1. I Wonder Whether We Should Wait For Him.
2. I Want To Know If She Borrowed My Dictionary.
3. I Wonder Whether She Needs Any Help.
4. Whether He Is Having Trouble Or Not Is Not Surprising Me.
5. I Want To Know Whether It Belongs To Jake.
6. I Wonder If There Is Life On Other Planets.
7. I Wonder If People Will Live On The Moon Someday.
8. Could You Tell Me Whether This Information Is Correct.
Page: 91 (1-5)
1. The Fact That Mary Didn't Come Made Me Angry.
2. I Feel Fine Except For The Fact That I'm Little Tired.
3. She Was Not Admitted To The University Due To The Fact
That She Didn't Pass The Entrance Examination.
4. The Fact That Many People In The World Live In
Introlerable Poverty Must Concern All Of Us.
5. The Fact That He Is Frequently Absent From Class Indicates
His Lack Of Interest In School.
Nama : Andhisa Gita Pratiwi
Kelas : 1EA05
NPM : 11214034